Monday, March 29, 2010

Day 26

There weren’t any lesson today as the IS lesson ended last week. However, the eight of us who were late together with Sihao met up Miss Neo. After that, went to Jiang Han Lu. We went to buy food at the street, like bean curd and etc de. Walk around that area before the rest of them proceed to have their dinner at Ajisen. We witness a very interesting incident which involves two women getting into a hot fight because of their dogs misbehaviors and they literally went all the way such as scratching each other faces and pulling of each other hair. It was crazy to see such things happening in such places. However, I witness another incident of violence. While we were on other way to Wal-mart, a father was abusing his son on near an escalator. Due to the little boy bad behaviour, the father simply smacked the boy across his cheeks and slapped his son so hard that there were visible red finger markings on both sides of the poor boy faces. Took cab back to campus after shopping around Bu Xing Jie.

My Reflection
From the incident that I witness about the two women catfight, all these actions were seen and in fact, surrounded by passersby who would actually stopped their footsteps just to view this real life drama. In addition, there were nobody stepping forward and calm both angry parties down or halt the disturbing fight because everybody would just like to find out and see for themselves those unexpected twists and ending to the drama. Instead of having such a polluted mindset of just watching a show without knowing that all these fighting were not up for pretence nor acting and if nobody stopped both women, who would know what could have possibly happen to them if we allowed them to continue fighting?

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