Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Day 5

Today we finally had our first lesson here in Wuhan. Our lecturer, Miss Neo spent 2hours from 9am to 11am on the first chapter of our module, Project Management. After that, we have our break to 12.30 pm. Went to one of the canteens in the campus for lunch, and I ordered a plate of fried rice which cost 3.30RMB. However, the taste it is not to my liking and thus, I did not taste another bite after a few spoonful. Next, we went to buy tea from the duo luo jie. We continue our lesson thereafter till 4pm. We were taught on the basic of project management as creating network diagram using the Activity-on-Node (AON) methods, as well as doing four assignments on AON. The class also experiences the cutting off of electricity several times. This not only cost the projector to stopped working, to make the matter was made worst when the heat generator could not start up due to the electricity failure in the class, causing us to have a really bitter cold lesson throughout. Luckily, the electricity had resume working and back to normal soon after. After the lesson, all of us stayed back as discussion we held on our performance for the local students. It started snowing as we were on our way back to our hostel. We make our way to a local fast food restaurant for our dinner. On the way, many locals were holding on to their umbrellas while we were walking in the heavy snow.

My Reflection

This is my virgin experience facing a real snow in a foreign country which is Wuhan, China. The snow is unlike the artificial snow like the ones we had in Orchard Road during Christmas Celebrations or the machine-made snow in Snow City, Singapore. I was anxiously waiting for snow for every single moment in Wuhan because the weather forecast had already stated that there might be possibilities of snowing. Unfortunately, the snow is not as pure white as I expected them to be. Instead, it is more like crystal flakes which are already ice when these it was approaching the ground. Nevertheless, I appreciated this fruitful experience of actually seeing the snow coming from the sky and not from an enclosed area like Snow City. Another interesting thing that had happened is the blackout in Wuhan.

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