Thursday, March 11, 2010

Day 7

Went to duo luo jie to buy porridge for breakfast before going to the class. The lesson was same as the day before, from 9am to 11am, and then from 12pm to 4pm. Lunch at the school canteen, which I still unable to adapt to. The class ended early and after putting our belonging back to our respective room, we took the public bus to a mall called “shopping mall”. We had Pizzahut for dinner over there. Although the design of their restaurant was different to the one in Singapore, their menus are pretty much the same though. We had to wait for around half an hour for the meal, as in Wuhan, the restaurant is practically filed with people all of the time. We also went to play the bumper car for a second time in the arcade. After the mall is closed, we visit Wal-Mart to buy some items. It is quite a huge supermarket as what I have expected it to be. I can practically find everything there. The group of us separated into three different cabs back to the campus.

My Reflection

Economy in China is picking up and increases rapidly. However, majority of the low to average income citizens in Wuhan are still struggling with everyday life. Such example was seen when we took a cab from the shopping mall back to our hostel. The total fare was 12.20RMB; hence we passed him 13RMB and the cab driver never even bother to return us our change. This is extremely obvious that we passed him 13RMB due to the coin differences and yet the cab driver expected us to treat the shortage of 80cents as tips for him. This is really outrageous as there is absolutely no obligation that the passengers are required to tip the cab drivers. We felt cheated, and it is not just of the small amount of monetary loss, but it’s because our expectations for the honesty and service level in China had disappointed us once again.

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