Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Day 20

The weather today was cold due to the rain that we experience. Upon reaching the classroom, we realize that the table was cover with a layer of dust despite it being less than 5 days since we last use the classroom. Most probably this was due to the air quality of china, as they are one of the major contributors of pollution. During class, we learnt a new chapter called the PERT, Program Evaluation and Review Technique. It is use to work out the mean project duration as well as standard deviation of the project duration when the activity duration is uncertain. This topic involves the use of probability, something which we had learnt in our Applied Statistic module and Mathematics module. After the class, went to the 绿茵阁西餐厅(greenery cafe) for our dinner. The steak here is cheap as compare to Singapore restaurant.

My Reflection

The weather forecast in Wuhan is indeed accurate. For the past few days, it had been reporting thunderstorms during the day time and it actually happened. But right now my concern is that the weather forecast which I had been checking online all these while, reported saying the majority of the days for the rest of the week will be raining consecutively. I do not like rain and worst of all, Wuhan drainage system is not as advance as Singapore. Hence, I was not prepared to actually see flooding in the pavements and the roads but to the people there, it is a norm to see flooding whenever it rains.

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