Sunday, March 7, 2010

Day 1

March 4th mark the start of our 42days journey in Wuhan. Every one of us gathered at Changi Airport 5.30am. At 8.ooam, we took the plane to Guang Zhou after which we changed another flight to Wuhan from the Guang Zhou Baiyun International Airport. When we reached the airport in Wuhan, the condition there is very cold compare to Guang Zhou, at 6 degree Celsius with a difference of 20 degree Celsius. It was the first time I experience such cold temperature. The local students there welcome us warmly and even helped us with our luggage. On the bus to the campus, I interacted with some of the local students there. The journey from the airport to the campus takes us about one hour. After we settled down at our room, the student brought us to the nearby area to buy our necessities. On the way, they shared with us about the life here and what we can expect in Wuhan. After that, we went to MacDonalds for our dinner.

My Reflection

I had to rely on myself for the next six weeks, without any assistance from parents. Wuhan is very different from Singapore, hence I believe that I am able to grow and develop my inner self of independency by leaving away my comfort zone for a period of time without all those things that I am familiar with. I will be learning on adaptability and flexibility in order to ensure the time is well spent in Wuhan. The only constant thing about the World Today is that it is ever changing. Hence, I must be able to accommodate and accept these changes into my life and maximize my experiences in Wuhan. I believe every minute here is time well spent, enabling me to learn and experience new things constantly.

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