Monday, March 22, 2010

Day 15

We have our group presentation today. We were the first as we picked the lucky number one. We make numerous mistakes which were pointed out by Miss Neo. After the presentation, correction on mistakes and improvement of our project were done. The class was dismissed at 12pm, thus we went to a new place called光谷广场. The mall is very huge but I do not feel it is worthwhile going though. This is due to the lengthy journey time required to get to that place from the campus and the things there is pretty much similar to those in the nearby mall. After that we took bus 702 to the Wal-Mart at Shopping Mall to purchase snacks for the cruise trip as there is limited amount of food available there and the price will tend to be more expensive.

My Reflection
I realised how lucky I am in Singapore compared to living in Wuhan. Singapore government always does their best in caring and protecting to the welfare of the citizens like us. However, in China, it is completely of different case altogether. In China, people can absolutely smoke everywhere and whenever they like. This includes dining restaurants, shopping malls, within a store premises and etc. This will lead to many second hand smokers in China which will seriously affect their health if they were to expose to too much of those smoke. Living in Singapore is indeed fortunate. I do not have to worry about breathing in secondary cigarette smoke as there are "YELLOW BOX" and Smoking Area designed intentionally for smokers. Back then when Singapore first imposed the law that smoking are supposed to be done in a designated area, I was still laughing and thinking to myself that it is just a common sense issue. However, now living in Wuhan, I guess that China still has a long long way to go before becoming as gracious as Singapore.

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