Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Day 28

The class starts at 1pm today. Went to the second floor of one of the school canteen to try out their food. The portion of the rice was big as always but the portion of the chicken is rather small though. In the morning, the WUST staffs came in to out room specially to visit Daryl and check out his condition. Even the deputy director of the school came to visit him. She even personally cooks porridge for him along with soya milk and some bread. Miss Neo gone through the answers for the revision practical in class and also teach us the second last chapter of Project Management. We were also shown parts of onmovie Queen Elizabeth which is related to what we learn. After watching, we ask to do reflect on it. In the evening, the local students also came to visit Daryl and wishing him well.

My Reflection

All of us were very appreciative of the kindness received from the local students who showed their utmost care and concern to us. From the incident in which the WUST staff came to visit Daryl, I sincerely felt very touched by this incident as this represented how much importance the people in China have for their guest. Likewise, I will do my absolute best to play a nice guest with such a hospitable host. Thus, I will watch and learn how the Chinese practices good mannerism towards their guests so that I can do the same for my future visitors to my home such as my upcoming long distance relatives who will be paying visits to my family in Singapore.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Day 27

Went to buy Macdonald breakfast before proceeding to the class for our lesson. We did our practical revision during the class as we are going to have test on Thursday. This revision practical give us a rough idea of what the paper will be like. We also get back our test paper during the class. Daryl went back to the room to rest as he was feeling sick. After the lunch break, we have our lecture on leadership and motivation. This chapter covers what qualities a project manager will have, the problems that they face and various method of motivation to motivate others. Daryl was having a high fever when we return to our room and thus, some of us bring him to the hospital in the campus. However, the doctors refuse to treat him as he is not a local student. Thus, we notified the teachers and they brought him to the nearby hospital. I spend the night doing the project management project, which we will need to submit soon.

My Reflection

One of the common behaviour of the people here is cutting queue. Staff actually allowed customers to cut our queues right in front of their very own eyes. Yet, not only do they not tell them off by requesting them to line up properly behind us, those service crews actually got the guts to serve these queue-cutters in front of us. Afterwards, which was our turn; those service staffs did not even smile or apologize to us back for doing such a shameless thing. Not only did he not acknowledge our presence which he obviously was aware of the queue-cutting incident, he did not offer to do anything back in return for us. To us, no matter if it is McDonalds or a side street vendor, lining up and be honest is still the best thing to display as a good customer.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Day 26

There weren’t any lesson today as the IS lesson ended last week. However, the eight of us who were late together with Sihao met up Miss Neo. After that, went to Jiang Han Lu. We went to buy food at the street, like bean curd and etc de. Walk around that area before the rest of them proceed to have their dinner at Ajisen. We witness a very interesting incident which involves two women getting into a hot fight because of their dogs misbehaviors and they literally went all the way such as scratching each other faces and pulling of each other hair. It was crazy to see such things happening in such places. However, I witness another incident of violence. While we were on other way to Wal-mart, a father was abusing his son on near an escalator. Due to the little boy bad behaviour, the father simply smacked the boy across his cheeks and slapped his son so hard that there were visible red finger markings on both sides of the poor boy faces. Took cab back to campus after shopping around Bu Xing Jie.

My Reflection
From the incident that I witness about the two women catfight, all these actions were seen and in fact, surrounded by passersby who would actually stopped their footsteps just to view this real life drama. In addition, there were nobody stepping forward and calm both angry parties down or halt the disturbing fight because everybody would just like to find out and see for themselves those unexpected twists and ending to the drama. Instead of having such a polluted mindset of just watching a show without knowing that all these fighting were not up for pretence nor acting and if nobody stopped both women, who would know what could have possibly happen to them if we allowed them to continue fighting?


We were told that the gathering time for the whole group is 1pm. However, the time was changed to 1.30pm as most of us are unable to meet with the initial meeting time. At the peak, after seeing most of the ECE students and students from our division leaving, I joined them with, Ling li and Ron. All of us was very exhausted from the trip up the mountain, but in order to reach in time, we continue down with little stop. However, as some of our mates are not feeling well as the journey up and down the Wudang Mountain is not only lengthy, but tough and tiring. We reduced our speed even further as some of us are experiencing cramps. By then, we were already late. The mistake that we make though is not informing our teachers making them worry about our safety and etc. We saw Sihao together with the tour guide as we head for the hotel, informing us to hurry up and get our belonging at the hotel and gather at the bus stop for them while they look for the others. After we have taken our bags, we were unsure where the rest of group is and waited at the hotel. We decided to head to the bus stop to check if the others are waiting there. However, no one was there and thus we ask other for what we suppose to do next. We were told to get to the foot of the mountain by taking the Wudang bus. On the journey down, I look at the time and without realizing, we were already more than half an hour late. On the bus, I was very guilty that for my lateness. I was also feeling very remorseful as we cause the whole of the schedule for the day to be affected. Not only that, all of us was very hungry after the journey and because we were late, it delayed the time that we are having lunch. All of them waiting for the bus must be very angry about our lateness. This is especially so for the bus drivers and the WUST staffs as they still have to work the next day, thus us late means that they have less time to rest. This is definitely going to leave a bad impression on them about us. It make me wonder what will happen if all of them left without us. In Singapore, this may not have a lot impact if we are in Singapore. But in China, it is different. The land of the country is huge and it is almost impossible to for us to return back to Wuhan in time. Given a second chance, I will certainly show more urgency in meeting with the gathering time and secondly to inform the teacher in charge to update them. I will have to keep track of the time in order to meet with the specific time required. Not only that, from this incident, I learnt the importance of time keeping and punctuality. Despite all the reason that we may have, we cannot hide the fact that we cause the whole group to wait for us not for a few minutes but for more than half an hour and I personally feel it is unacceptable. I know the feeling of waiting for others and I definitely will not want others to experience that due to me. I feel that is very selfish of myself and I certainly will not want this kind of things to happen to me ever again. I was even more ashamed and disappointed with myself as during my time with the uniform group in secondary school, we always emphasized on the importance of punctuality and the need to show urgency in the things we do and this incident shows that I did not used those things that I learnt. However, I feel that sometime, we will only truly learn when a mistake is made. I like to apologize to all those people that waited and delayed in the trip.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Day 25

Most of us climb out of our bed to assemble at the hotel’s canteen for our breakfast. Today our destination is to the top of Wudang Shan and to the Jin Ding. After having our breakfast at 7am, we deposit our bags in the hotel before we begin our journey out. The journey to the top was not easy. The total distance up is 4.5km. The number of steps we have to climb is countless. However, that is not the worst. As after reaching the top, we will have to come down by ourselves again as unlike the previous batches, the cable car is currently undergoing repair works. It took us hours before we finally reached the destination. We waited for the tour guide to pass us the tickets to the Jin Ding before we proceed up. There were a lot of people up the Jin Ding, which is a building made fully out of copper. Most of those people are there to worship. I bought one of those lock which engraves your name. After which you will have to lock it somewhere up. The process down the peak is tough. As majority of us are very exhausted due to the climb up. Furthermore, some of us are experiencing cramps. When we were on our way to the hotel to collect our belonging which we deposit there, we were being told to wait at the bus stop. After which we were told by our teacher to take the bus down the mountain as they are waiting for us in the bus. By then, we were already very late. This result in the delayed of the schedule planed. After the rest had arrived, we have our lunch before we journey back to Wuhan.

The journey up...

Jin Ding

The lock

My Reflection

Due to the cable car repairing in Wudang Shan, we had no choice but to climb up and down the mountain as it was the only way to navigate around it. However, the whole journey up was extremely tiring and some of our classmates could not catch up the same fast pace as the guys and hence, seriously lagged behind. This was of expectation as we had to be equipped with sufficient stamina in order to reach the peak which took us a total of nearly 4 hours. Although the whole journey is calculated at only 4.5km, it was the steep slope that killed all of us. I admit there was time that I just wanted to give up after seeing slope after slope. But I am glad that my perseverance do paid off when I witnessed what nice peak scenery Wudang Shan contains of.