Saturday, April 17, 2010

Day 33

Finally, today marks the end of our PM lesson ( although we still have a presentation and exam left). The focus of this lesson is to do our past year papers in preparation for our final written exam. We did the year 2009 exam paper first, in which the answers will be go through later. Most of us wanted to do the year 2010 paper when the exam date is nearer, thus the lesson was ended after that. Had 打卤 for lunch and I stayed in my room to do my project as well as having some rest. We had our final discussion of the project with my group mates to complete our work, as well as doing some touch up and doing up our power points slides for the presentation.

My Reflection

It truly amazed me that I could actually finish two important modules within the time limit of 42 days. I admit that there were times where I felt stressful since we had to attend classes almost every single day from morning to mid-afternoon or sometimes extended to evening due to project work. The completions of the two modules really leave me feeling very satisfied of myself as it never ever cross my mind that I was able to accomplish it initially at all. Despite the fact that the everyday lessons with exception of weekends as well as the Three Gorges and Wu Dang Mountain trip were very tedious and exhausting to some, I had preserved and continue to maintain the initial strength and enthusiasm towards my everyday classes. One thing that had really helped me to stay distressed and motivated was friends cum classmate’s encouragement that I received every morning while facing the fatiguing lessons.

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